Maddam Sir

Join the inspiring and entertaining journey of Maddam Sir, a unique Hindi drama that showcases the power of compassion in law enforcement. Set in a Mahila Police Thana, show revolves around four fearless women officers led by the dynamic SHO Haseena Malik as they solve cases with a perfect blend of intelligence, empathy, and humor. With its engaging storylines and strong message of women empowerment, Maddam Sir strikes a chord with audiences of all ages. Watch full episodes online on and celebrate the spirit of justice served with a smil

Maddam Sir Show: Cast, Story & Episodes

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Intro Maddam Sir: Maddam Sir is a refreshing Indian television drama that blends comedy and action with powerful social messages. Set in Lucknow, show revolves around an all-women police station led by determined SHO Haseena Malik, who tackles cases with wit, empathy, and bravery. Known for its tagline “Kuch Baat …

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